
GIS Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Part7

GIS Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a must-have skill for a GIS programmer. OOP is about maintaining code as objects and reusing code through instantiation.
You can apply OOP in conjunction with your programming language of choice.
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Most GIS development is leaning toward the OOP paradigm. And you should too! Mastering the concepts of OOP will propel your career forward in GIS programming.
  • Object-Oriented Programming (Udacity) – Build your own blocks of code as libraries and avoid copying and pasting lines of code. (Object-Oriented JavaScript)

GitHub and CodeAcademy Coding Community

You may be wondering why so many people use GitHub.
GitHub is like a Facebook for developers. Its open community helps developers see what their peers are working on.
Developers can inspect the entire history of a project by version. They can also study a projects’ code and modify it on their own.
  • How to use Git and GitHub (Udacity) – Use version control over the life of a project and optimize collaboration through GitHub. While you’re doing it this may seem pointless. Don’t skip it! (How to use Git and GitHub)
Over 25 million people use CodeAcademy because it’s great for learning syntax. It’s not only for syntax, but you can interactively take lessons in Python programming.
But CodeAcademy comes at a cost for the PRO version courses. Test it out, and it might be a good investment to start in Python.
    Learn to Code in Python Interactively (CodeAcademy) – If you want to just start coding somewhere, CodeAcademy has the interface for you to do so. (Learn to Code Interactively, For Free)
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1 Response to "GIS Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Part7"

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